Welcome to my website

Hi! My name is Jesse Leskinen and you have just entered my personal website. Not much content here, but maybe I'll share some info about me:

About Me

I live in Eastern Finland and work for a local small company that mainly focuses on industrial automation. At work I do everything from software development to physically building and installing machinery and robotics - and having so diverse job is great!

While I do stuff normally engineers do, I have only a vocational college degree. Well actually I have two degrees, one for industrial automation and another for electrical engineering, both from Savo Vocational College between 2011-2015. Having no "B. Eng" title might change in the future, but I like doing my current job too much to switch from working to studying. Maybe at some point I will be able to study and work at the same time, we'll see.

Here's my LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessenic

And Twitter: https://twitter.com/jessenic